Shakespeare in Hollywood

by Ken Ludwig

directed by James Tallach

produced by Sandy Armstrong

This farce portrays life behind the scenes of 1930 Hollywood. Based on the 1934 Max Reinhardt film, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, this piece plays with the idea that real characters find their way onto the movie sets, ending up with a slapstick comedy including William Hays, Jim Cagney, Dick Powell, and the very real Puck and Oberon.


January 26-27 and February 2-3 at 8 pm

January 28 and February 4 at 2 pm


Oberon - Doug Reed

Puck - Jake Egan

Jack Warner - Eric Linebarger

Max Reinhardt - Wayne Vargas

Will Hays / Albert - Eric Hanselmann

Daryl - Jordan Rodriguez

Olivia Darnell - Jyoti Daniere

Lydia Landsing - Rachel Rabinovitz

Louella Parsons - Pamela Schweppe

Dick Powell - Tony Strattner

Jimmy Cagney / Groucho - Mike Bearce

Joe E. Brown / Sam - Julien LaFleur